For Sweet Duke on the anniversary of his leaving
I don't want to live
If living is without you
If you're not with me
Your beauty I can't see
Though I am so sad
It's really not a bad thing
To feel the way you feel
That's what makes us real
I don't want to feel
only sad and lonely
I want to see more clear
That always you are near
I know that letting go
Is how we go on living
How we make new lives
See life with fresh eyes
Accepting what can't change
What we need to live with
Is how we find the heart
to live with what's too hard
(to make another start)
You taught me love survives
It lives in joy and sorrow
Though we might be sad
Love makes our hearts feel glad
Now I want to live
with you here beside me
I see you everywhere
For always you are there
I know that you live on
In love that keeps on giving
I feel you in the air
for you are everywhere
Your presence fills my eyes
Though I can't see you
Love is all around
My humbled heart's unbound