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Contemplative Celebration of Black History


Dr. Kamilah Majied will join me at Stanford tomorrow, February 4, for a Contemplative Celebration of Black History. Her interactive meditation session will offer opportunities to reflect and dialogue on the wisdom of interdependence as it relates to the relevance of Black history, culture, resilience, and experience of Black people influence all people's lives.This event if free and open to the public.

Following her session, she'll join my class, When half is whole, for a joint workshop: Tied Together in a Single Garment of Destiny.

We met when she was at Howard University but she has recently joined the faculty at California State University in Monterey Bay as a Professor of Social Work after 15 years of teaching at . Drawing from her decades of contemplative practice, clinical training, and social justice leadership, Dr. Majied engages people in experiencing wonder, humor and insight through transforming oppressive patterns, improving mental health and deepening relationships.

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