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Talk in Palo Alto


I'll be giving a one day workshop at the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple in California. The morning will focus on the developmental journey of becoming whole. The identity struggles of mixed race people are a metaphor for universal human development of healing and becoming the person we were born to be. I have taught this subject in various courses at Stanford University, in psychology, anthropology, human biology, and ethnic studies.

The afternoon will focus on Mindfulness or what I call "Heartfulness." For many years I have taught classes and workshops in Japan and the U.S. in the art of living, using heartfulness as a basis. This means bringing attention to the present moment, with full awareness of its complexity, ambiguity, uncertainty, volatility. The Japanese expression: Ichi-go, Ichi-e, expresses this sense of living now as if this was the first and last moment of your life. Heartfulness is the foundation of compassion that can move us to live more fully and responsibly for ourselves and others. In this way, we transform our lives and transform our societies.

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