It was fun to find my book on leadership in a bookstore on the day it was released. Within a few days it has already drawn a lot of interest with several printings now totaling 35,000. Although I've published several books, I'm once again filled with amazement at the satisfaction of actually completing a book and seeing it in print. I know many people who talk of writing a book but never go through the process from start to finish. Those who have written and published a book know how hard a grind it is for a long time.
And it's also a surprise when people buy your book and read it. Some authors don't care much about how many people read their book. Others show contempt for the low level at which a book must be written to be popular with a wider audience. But probably all authors are happier when their book is read. Although writing is done for ourselves it can also be a gift to others. Certainly that's the way I inspire and motivate myself to keep going through the long process. So thanks for reading!