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From Mindfulness to Heartfulness

For a writer, emerging from a long period in hiding, the sun's brilliance is blinding. You see in a flash how much of life you have been missing. You also realize how you had been to another world in your quest to put your deepest thoughts, ideas, and feelings into words. To those who flippantly say they're going to write a book, someday, I can warn you that it's hard work. Not to discourage you, because the rewards are immense, but please take on the challenge with a realistic sense of the trials that await you. Like the delicious fruits of any tree, the long wait for the harvest, and the labor expended, is well worth it.

My book titled, From Mindfulness to Heartfulness has just been released. The subtitle is Transforming Self and Society with Compassion. As some of you know, writers don't get to choose book titles, and this one fills me with trepidation. How audacious to put oneself forward in this way, knowing that it makes you appear to be an expert who knows something that others don't know. I feel the humility that comes from seeing your name on a book and knowing that the grandiosity of the title does not match the modest writings under the cover. Yet, we writers move on, and keep trying to express ourselves in words.

Aging helps me overcome the fear that my words will not be listened to or will be misunderstood, and that what is most important to me must be made verbal and shared. I trust that the caring writer can bring new life to people by their honest self portrait, as service to those searching for some light in the midst of darkness. I believe that it is necessary for those of us who write, to live and speak the truths which we believe and know beyond understanding. We survive by taking part in a process of life that is creative and continuing. Looking at the book's cover gives an awesome feeling of satisfaction, a deep sense of fulfillment, and faith that there it is worth the effort to do our best with what we've got. This is my best. Thanks for reading.

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